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Beware of the “Bargain” Brake Job!

Get quality brake jobs at AutoXtend!

You’ve seen the ads on TV and in the newspapers. You’ve noticed the banners and signs waving along the road.

Good deals, right? Let’s look at the facts.

There’s no greater safety feature than your vehicle’s brakes. “You get what you pay for in a brake job,” says AutoXtend’s Scott Lane. “I don’t skimp on brakes because that’s the most important thing. That’s what’s going to stop your car when you get into an emergency and you need to stop.”

Scott will tell you that cheap brake pads aren’t the answer. Reviews by our customers say they like our service, convenience and comfortable facilities. They also say we don’t over-charge, but we won’t compromise when it comes to keeping vehicles running SAFELY at peak performance. Give us a call or click here to arrange an appointment. And get ready to enjoy the AutoXtend difference in quality brake jobs and auto repair and service.


From the Care Care Council

If your brakes are trying to tell you something, you should pay attention. A properly operating brake system helps ensure safe vehicle control and operation and it should be checked immediately if you suspect any problems, says the non-profit Car Care Council.

“While an annual brake inspection is a good way to ensure brake safety, motorists should not ignore signs that their brakes need attention,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “Knowing the key warning signs that your brakes may need maintenance will go a long way toward keeping you and others safe on the road.”


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Phone: (865) 688-4545
Address: 1309 East Beaver Creek Drive
Knoxville, TN 37918
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